Wednesday, October 18, 2017

week 13!

Hello Family and Friends!
This week has been a good week! We had transfers and I got a new companion! Her name is Sister Fitzsimonds and she is from Idaho! We also had another set of sisters move into our apartment and that has been a blast. A little bad for my journal writing but so good! We love being together! The weeks are so fast but the days are so long! Our areas are slowly but surely picking up! We saw an awesome miracle on Saturday night! We went to try a family in the ward and it turned out that they moved. We met a man named Greg and his girlfriend. It turns out that she was a member but hasn't gone in a long time and he was not a member but looking for a church! The spirit just took over that contact and we were able to testify of the Book of Mormon and it was so cool. We were hyped after that. I was really grateful for that! I super love this gospel! 
Sister Camilleri 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week 12

Hello everyone!
Sorry I didn't write yesterday! Today is my pdays because it is transfers! I am staying in the same area but I have a new companion! Her name is Sister Fitzsimonds! I think it will be an awesome transfer! We had an awesome week! The highlight of this week was Josh's Baptism in Sandy Valley! It was probably the most spiritual baptism ever! There were like 50 people there from the little town and they were so supportive. Josh was incredibly happy and really excited. We were so happy for him! I am so grateful for the opportunity to have to teach Josh! I'm hoping he goes on a mission someday!
I love you all! Have a great week! 
Sister Camilleri

Week 11

Hello Family and Friends!
This week was a pretty good week! I was able to go on exchanges with another sister in the mission and that was awesom! It's nice sometimes to get a break in the normal schedule and change things up! We were able to have a day full of miracles.

Monday: We were able to have a lesson with a recent convert and his family about the temple and family history work. I love teaching and talking about temples. It seriously makes me yearn to be at the temple everyday. I love it there. It was a miracle that we were able to see this family because they have crazy work schedules but Heavenly Fathers hand played a role in our day and we were able to prepare him to go to the temple and do baptisms and to prepare his family to be sealed together for time and all eternity in a year. That will be such a beautiful say for them.

Tuesday: We have a baptisms on October 5th for an investigator that lives about an hour away in Sandy Valley. In order to properly prepare him for baptism we had lessons with him everyday this week. We have been going through all the commandments and talking to him about why each one is important and the blessings we can receive if we are obedient to the commandments. It has been really cool to see this investigator have such a willing heart. He wants to obey God no matter what and it is so cool to be able to see his example. His prayers have been so sweet too because he is so excited for his baptism  and talks about it in every prayer he gives with us.

Wednesday: I was on exchanges with Sister Bond in my area and that was a refreshing exchange. We saw a ton of miracles on this day. The first miracle came from a recent convert who we haven't been able to meet with. She texted us in the morning asking if we wanted to come over and have a lesson. Of course we said yes. We planned a lesson with her around faith and personal progress. Little did we know that she had been thinking about those two things but needed help getting started on personal progress. That was an awesome lesson completely led by the spirit. On our way there we were able to do some service for a recent convert who had just pulled into the driveway as we were walking by. So cool.

Thursday: We did quite a bit of walking this day because our miles were shot because of exchanges. In the evening we were able to have a lesson with a recent convert who is preparing to go to the temple soon and that was awesome. We had the lesson at a members home and it was really cool to be able to see the beginning of a friendship between them all. I love how close the gospel can bring us to other people.

Friday: We had dinner with our investigator from China and it was so good. She made some Chinese food and yum. We had a lesson with her afterwards about the Plan of Salvation. It has been really cool to have the opportunity to teach Joy because she has zero knowledge about Jesus Christ. We are literally starting with a clean slate and that has been hard but really cool. She told us that she is starting to feel like she is slowly building a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It was so sweet. We were also able to commit her to baptismal date and she is so excited for it! I just love her!

Saturday and Sunday: It was conference weekend which makes the weekend one of my favorites of the year and automatically makes the weekend amazing. All the sessions were so good. I noticed that there was a heavy emphasis on the Book of Mormon and for me about miracles. As always the talks got me thinking about where I am at and what I need to do to progress the way that Heavenly Father wants me to. It was a great time of self reflection and I'm grateful for modern day apostles and prophets that lead the world and that help us prepare for the awaited arrival of the second coming. Two questions stood out in my mind yesterday. Do you want to live with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father again? What are you willing to do now in order to live with them in the next life?  I ask the same questions of each of you. Now is the time to prepare to meet God. Are you prepared? I promise you that if you do not make it a priority now to fix your life so that you can live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again that you will regret that decision when you graduate from this life.
I encourage you all to go to and watch the conference talks from this weekend. They are preparing us for the coming of the Lord. I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ will all of my heart. I want to live with them again. That is my goal and I know that my actions in this life determine my next life. I love you all with all of my heart and I want each one of you there with me!

I love you all!
Sister Camilleri
Ps. How is it already October already?